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Family Resource Center
& Training
Empowering Clients With Life Impacting Resources
We provide the following services to our clientele through workshops and training. Individuals and their families are provided necessary tools and resources to enhance areas of their lives that lack stability through a continuum of christian counseling sessions and intensified biblical based workshops.

Domestic Violence/Partner Abuse Intervention Program "A Better Way!"
Individuals will leave with a greater understanding of how to manage past and/or most recent domestic violence abuse
Discovery of the negative impact and resources awareness for both the victims and abusers of domestic violence
Empower victims to protect themselves from future occurrences
Domestic Violence can have a long-lasting negative impact on the victims and their families. Skills such Importance of safety, help in managing the negative effects of past abuse, measures and guided steps toward healing. Teachings on methods to protect self and family from future occurrences
Healthy Relationships
Participants will gain impactful information to build strong lasting relationships
Receive awareness in identifying unhealthy characteristics that negatively affect relationships
Learn how to overcome the effects of past unhealthy relationships and live beyond the root causes.
Revelation of what an unhealthy relationship looks like, equipping the person with the necessary strengths in overcoming the negative residual effects of past unhealthy relationships, bringing clarification of what a healthy relationship consists of, the qualities to look for in meeting and starting a relationship.

Temperament Theory "I Am Who I Am"
Leave with an understanding of the various temperament blends
Discover why they act the way they do (weakness/strengths
Grasp a better understanding of how to handle different temperament types in an effort of living more peacefully with others
Insight and knowledge on the inner working of man through temperaments, understanding person’s individual temperament type, obtain insights on why other people respond the way they do and learning ways to improve your daily interactions with people of other temperaments.

Self Esteem "Created Masterpiece"
Learn the importance of living an authentic life
Discover the importance of Forgiveness and applications in relinquishing past hurts and disappointments
Building self-worth God’s way by seeing themselves from His point of view
Self Esteem workshop designed to build a person’s self-worth and individuality. These workshops will also guide the person in discovery of their true identity as well as getting to the root of wounded areas in helping the individual build a stronger self-image. Esteemed/Empowered/Equipped – Facilitated by Author, Self-Identity & Purpose Strategist, Casandra Austin McDonald

Anger Management/Silencing the Pressure Cooker
Understanding that anger is normal but there are more beneficial ways to handle emotions
Discover the cost of anger
Learn eight core Anger Management Skills
Help client’s discovery warning sign and symptoms of anger issues by equipping the individuals with life applicable ways of managing temperaments before they get to the level of destruction as well as getting to the root cause and teaching tools that effectively aid in their ability to live beyond and manage their anger

Radical Responsibility
Learn what it means to take ownership of their choices
The positive life changing impact on their families, workplace, and community
Self discovery of the value they possess as an individual
This class/workshop teaches individuals the importance of taking ownership for their actions instead of playing the victim or blaming others. The objective is to ensure individuals understand their value as a person, and their personal role in their life experiences as a mother, father, daughter, son, employee, employer, etc.

Discover what Integrity means and its importance
Learn Character Traits that make a positive impact that is also generational
Life changing applications for bettering how to handle time, gifts/talents, honoring authority (workplace, community, home), finances, and character
Discovery of what it means to be a Person of Integrity in handling their time, their heart, their talents or gifting's, authority figures, unity including but not limited to family, their finances, and their character.

Mother Daughter Clinic
Tools & resources to strengthen mother daughter relationships
Awareness of generational weaknesses that have negatively impacted their relationships
Ways to naturally apply life skills that leave a lasting impact for generations to come
Workshops & Clinics that provides trained motivational and empowerment speakers teaching on mother daughter relationships for 5 year olds to adults with the sole purpose of strengthening the bond of mother daughter relationships, uncovering areas that cause breach and division, shared personal experiences that empower others, modeling of personal self-esteem and uplifting one another, and teach relational life skills that encourages, strengthens the mother daughter bond, and restores their relationships

Family Bonding
Strengthening the relationship between parent and child/children
Discover the importance of time spent as a family creating positive impactful, lasting memories
Parents discovery of life changing personal and parenting methods to apply in raising their children
Parent & Child Bonding Workshops designed to build strong family connectedness through a series of bonding workshops structured around best practices as well as Hot Topics discussions for parents as a way of grasping better parenting skills.

Etiquette "Gracefully Social"
Does and don’ts of social interactions (acceptable public behavior)
Importance of releasing old ineffective behaviors and replacing them with more effective character traits
Discover life skills that produce more effective ways to communicate
Teaches the individual the importance of social etiquette in speech, appearance, mannerism, appropriate responses, as well as dining, equipping her with tools that will benefit generations to come.

A Better Way Program​
Administer services for perpetrators and victims of domestic violence and their children.
Ensure the safety of the victims and their families
Equip participants with tools to thrive in healthier ways to turn away from abusive behavior
A Better Way is designed to enhance our ability to administer services for perpetrators and victims of domestic violence and their children. In part to ensure the safety of the victims and their families as well as ensure the perpetrators are held accountable and equipped with tools to help them thrive in more healthier ways turning away from abusive behavior patterns by targeting the specified population of adult abusers, victims over 18, and their children in meeting the Partner Abuse Intervention Program requirement (PAIP) state of Illinois standards. Those eligible individuals fall into the following categories but not limited to; at-risk individuals, victims of domestic violence, victim partners, abused and neglected children and other family members with any barriers that hinder healthy relationships and threatens strong safe home environments.
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